글 수 66
조회 수 : 4619
2010.01.28 (17:45:40)
* 위성파일목록 | Satellite File List : Model 1650S
* 위성대역 | Satellite Band : Atlantic Ocean
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2. [다른이름으로 저장]창이 나오면, [저장] 또는 [열기]를 선택한다.
3. 내컴퓨터(위치선택)에 저장한다.
① To download the satellite file list, from website to the meter.
② Click satellite file list that you want and save it to your computer.
③ And take the download procedure.
[Sat File List/2010-01-27] Atlantic Ocean | 1650
번호 |
닉네임 | 조회 | 등록일 |
[Sat File List/2010-01-27] Atlantic Ocean | 1650S | telemann |
4619 | 2010-01-28 | |
20 | [Sat File List/2010-04-21] Atlantic Ocean | 1650S | telemann |
4631 | 2010-01-28 |
19 | [Sat File List/2010-04-21] Atlantic Ocean | 1680S2 | telemann |
4509 | 2010-01-28 |
18 | SAT File List for ASIA-1600 | telemann |
4800 | 2009-10-31 |
17 | SAT File List for Asia(Japan)-1600 | telemann |
4809 | 2009-10-31 |
16 | SAT File List for Europe(Tehnic B)-1600 | telemann |
4894 | 2009-10-31 |
15 | SAT File List for Atlantic Ocean-1650 | telemann |
4817 | 2009-10-31 |
14 | SAT File List for North&South America-1650 | telemann |
4542 | 2009-10-31 |
13 | SAT File List for Koreasat3-1650 | telemann |
4721 | 2009-10-31 |
12 | 1650_Europe&Africa&Middle East | telemann |
4261 | 2009-10-31 |
11 | 1680S2_Atlantic Ocean | telemann |
4054 | 2009-10-31 |
10 | 1680S2_North&South America | telemann |
4197 | 2009-10-27 |
9 | 1680S2_KOREASAT3 | telemann |
4353 | 2009-10-27 |
8 | 1680S2_Europe&Africa&Middle East | telemann |
4584 | 2009-09-07 |
7 | 1680S2_Asia & South Pacific | telemann |
4473 | 2009-09-07 |