글 수 45
조회 수 : 8445
2010.08.06 (09:44:50)
Coming from 16 August to 18 August, we will have summer holiday.
So we will be closed company during that times.
If you have pending issue, kindly inform it before holiday.
And you can contact to us that use mobile phone or e-mail when company is closed.
Also we inform our information as following ;
================【 NOTICE 】================
SUMMER HOLIDAY : 16-August-2010 to 18-August-2010
Telephone : +82 (0)10 9354 8567
(This line connect to Mobile phone for Mr. KIM / MANAGER)
E-Mail : sales@telemannco.com
SUMMER HOLIDAY : 16-August-2010 to 18-August-2010
Telephone : +82 (0)10 9354 8567
(This line connect to Mobile phone for Mr. KIM / MANAGER)
E-Mail : sales@telemannco.com
Thank you.